It’s easy to lose track of pensions

Helping you take full control of your retirement savings

People change jobs, employers change their names but, more importantly, we all forget things from time to time. With that in mind, it is easy to lose track of pensions that you have paid into over the years.


More couples are deciding to part later in life

Divorce is not purely exclusive to the young or middle-aged, and we’re seeing a steady increase in what have been dubbed the ‘silver-splitters’ – couples who are deciding to part in later life.

Boosting retirement savings

Are investors failing to think long-term about their futures?

Boosting retirement saving is the key goal for investors in 2014, yet despite this long-term objective, almost three fifths (61%) of those surveyed say they are looking for satisfactory investment returns within just five years, with just 5% taking a longer-term view of ten years or more.

Spending on luxuries in retirement

The reality of living on a pension is taking new retirees by surprise

The reality of living on a pension is taking new retirees by surprise, with many under-budgeting their first five years of retirement and overspending by an average of £6,500, according to LV=. This is leading to a surge in older retirees taking out new credit or extending previous credit commitments.

Measuring our appetite for risk

More than twice as many men choose the highest possible risk option to boost their savings compared to women

Findings recently published in the Zurich Wealth Risk Report show that more than twice as many men choose the highest possible risk option to boost their savings compared to women (13% vs 6%)[1].